We need Volunteers to help on Fete Day call Helen on 07775 782807
We need Volunteers to help on Fete Day call Helen on 07775 782807
Saturday 14th June at the Windlesham Field of Remembrance
Volunteers needed to help with our main fund raiser for the Field of Remembrance.
Can you help us even if you can only give a couple of hours of your time.
* Selling Raffle tickets
* Staffing the Organizer's tent to help visitors enjoy our event, opportunity to learn and implement organizational skills.
* Marking out and dismantling pitch spaces for stallholders
* Setting up and dismantling Public address (PA)system and staging, giving you an opportunity to learn the configuration and operation of Technical Equipment.
Contact Helen on 07775 782807 or email helen@lloyd-bisley.com
Funds raised support the Field of Remembrance Charitable Trust. The FoR is a unique open space held in trust for the community of Windlesham,